Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bench Press, thy name is Misogyny

Whether we like it or not, the constant barrage of negative messages aimed and shot point blank at females, gets under our skin and buries itself into our brains. Nowhere is this more evident than transmen.

Within trans trending there is another trend just as self hating, prominent and displayed all over the likes of YT and the pages of every ftM forum, website, blog or tumbler. The trans trend within trans trending is working out.
 - Dirt - 8/27/11

Yup.  Pressure to work out and be muscular is something completely unique to FTM subculture, and PROOF they're just women after all.  All those transtrenders, with their trendy trends that mirror trendy trends in conventional male culture, with all their trendy trendiness.  You'd think they were just men or somethingBut they're not!  Because they're women!

Also, misogyny.

Or something.



As an aside, I am saddened that there are not really any other transphobic radfems focusing on FTMs.
This is really an untapped well of glorious idiocy.
As a second aside, imitating dirt's inability to maintain a consistent means of emphasis, and schizophrenic application of links to wikipedia is tiresome.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Conspiracy Pt. 2

On the pending breakthrough uterine transplant:
The concern with this, if taken to the trans-usurper conclusion, is that they will be harvesting the reproductive organs from biological females, and transplanting them into these female-proxies. Given reproductive moral history, you can bet that they will be harvesting the reproductive organs of poor women in third world countries for this, just like they do with rent-a-womb surrogate pregnancy. After all, females are regarded as a commodity, not human.
- FabLibber -  8/2/11

Yup.  That's right.
The next stage, after supplanting the priestesses, is snatching the wombs of poor women right out of their bodies.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Conspiracy

All I can think of AmazonTrader is what's been done to us eons ago....when the Castrati gave their male members to the Goddess Cybele in ecstatic rites, dismembering themselves, then crossdressing, and eventually becoming devotees of that Goddess and an imitation of Her Priestesses, when the Priestesses were pretty exclusively in power.....once they gained that control, then the male priests came in, and eventually usurped control over the Priestesses, but the intermediaries were the eunuchs and the castrati..who at the dawn of the Patriarchies were the literal transition agents between the Matriarchies and the Patriarchies
-MasterAmazonWarrior - 8/25/11

Apparently, this is the sort of jibberish that is passed around as a historical (herstorical?) account of the origin of male social dominance.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stormfront poster or Radfem? 3

I really don’t care if they all die of estrogen fuck hole rot... In fact I will be very happy when they do... Kill the fucking bastards. They are men, and they are after our children? No quarter.
There is a phrase in there that might give away the answer, but still, guess away.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Cultic Language

On Transgender language:
One of the interesting things about any faith-based subculture is the specific cultic language invented to express the identity and shared experiences of adherents.
-GallusMag - 2/21/11

Clearly GallusMag is completely unfamiliar with the incoherent scribblings of Mary Daly, pioneering voice of transphobic feminism, and one of FCM's favourite authors.  Compared to Daly, the language used to describe trans experiences are downright mundane.  Take for example this quote from just her introduction to her work Quintessence:
 My Voyage into The Fourth Spiral Galaxy of ‘Outercourse’ brought me to the point of Dis-covering yet an Other Galaxy. As a consequence of my arrival in an Expanding Now/Present, the Way Opened for me to Leap into an Expanding Here/Presence. Moving more deeply into the Background Realms, I was ready to begin Spiraling into The Fifth Spiral Galaxy
You see all those needlessly capitalized words?
is a word or phrase with a meaning devised exclusively by her and typically only vaguely defined at a single instance in her prior works.  Many radfems these days adopt some of her words and reinvention of the english language with hardly a second thought.

In fact, feminism is drowning in words and ideas invented and reconstructed by them. Patriarchy, Kyriarchy, rape culture, womyn, dudely, (en)pornulated, and many gender-neutral pronouns are uniquely feminist (re)inventions, just to name a few.  Hell, the word "feminism" itself was a neologism.  Its no wonder most people find it inaccessible.

This is not to say it is necessarily a bad thing to revise language to describe your experiences, but if you accuse us of being a "faith-based subculture" with "cultic language," you are best suited considering how that criticism might apply to yourself.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sexual Orientation is like Cake...

in that it is a lie!
who women choose to love is a choice, not something as trivial as “sexual orientation”
 - Bev Jo - 8/15/11

Erasing generations of social justice activism in a single line.

Queer Talk

But oh my god, the QUEER TALK!! It’s so irritating, isn’t it? Subject position. Blah, blah. Discourses. Blah, blah, blah. Necessary relation. Blah, blah, blah. Ok, just had to get that out of my system
- Undercover Punk - 7-19-11

Yeah, those big words, they are just so confusing and hurt my little head.
Heaven forbid we use the expansive English vocabulary to accurately describe things.
This is from the "legal professional" who penned the anti-trans letter with Cathy Brennan to the U.N.

Intellectual versatility does not seem to be one of her strong points, but I guess that's a side-effect of dealing with the legal system.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Stormfront Poster or RadFem 2

Something I've noticed about most queers and so called "transgendered" weirdos I've met is that they're extremely self-centered. The two words I emphasized in the quoted text above say it all - THEY WANT. They expect everyone else to accommodate their idiotic gender denial and blindly go along with their narcissistic charade of being something that they're not. And if you don't, they have a fit.
In today's installment of SPorRF, we explore the time-honored tradition of whining over the impossible task of proper pronoun usage.

So once again dear readers, cast your lots. 
Is this quote from a RadFem blogger, or a Stormfront poster?

Trans = Animals

The essence of "The Great Bathroom Debate" handily boiled down into a single image by the ever-vitriolic FactCheckMe(an ironic name, if ever i've seen one):
Transpeople aren't humans. Just animals that must piss outside.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sucker Punch

...did you also know that there are TWs who obsess and minstrelize female menstruation? They stick tampons up their butts or manginas, some even cut themselves for the full blood effect on sanitary pads. What is missing from their little minstrel games are the cramps, which I *could* help them out with, by punching them in the guts half a dozen times.
  - FAB Libber aka Dave the Squirrel - 5/28/11

Monday, August 8, 2011

Iran leading the world

Another proof of the right wing, anti-Lesbian and anti-gay basis of “transsexualism” is that in fundamentalist Muslim Iran, where Lesbians and gay men are executed, the government actually pays for transsexual surgeries
- Bev Jo - 11/17/10

Aside from the deliberate misrepresentation of the facts (gay people are forced into sex changes as "gay conversion therapy" on threat of death. a barbaric law for sure. cases of transsexualism by themselves are not recognized unless it is made in relation to sexual attraction), Bev Jo thinks Iran is an appropriate representative of all patriarchal societies across the globe.
Who can tell me whats wrong with that assumption?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fuck-me Shoes and Beards

An old one, but a classic:
... those who "transition" seem to become stereotypical in their appearance - fuck-me shoes and birds'-nest hair for the boys; beards, muscles and tattoos for the girls. Think about a world inhabited just by transsexuals. It would look like the set of Grease.
- Julie Bindel - 1/31/04

ITE: The ever-inquisitive Julie Bindel fails to question the source for this false stereotype she regurgitates (Hint: it starts with a P)

Also, lolling at the suggestion that a natural biological trait (muscles in males) is only a product of gender performance. (Another hint: its not)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Stormfront poster or Radfem?

So, this is something that I have been rattling around in my little head here for a while now, and I finally want to get it off the ground.

The gist of it is, I will periodically present a choice quote.  Either from a poster on, or an anti-trans Radical Feminist blogger.
It is up to you, the reader, to decide where the quote comes from.
And no cheating with search engines.
:waggles finger chastizingly:

Our selection for the day is:
Trans-sexuals are just men with mutilated genitalia.
Every cell in their body has the Y chromosome and says male.
In my opinion, doctors break the hippocratic oath when they do "sex change" surgery. The patients are mentally ill and they take advantage of them.

Trans = KKK

The fact is as Trans is suppose to be part of the LGBT, why would any trans person if they cared about gay and lesbian issues and right, have up until very recently (and only in states where gays and lesbians marriage is legal) marry? Does this sound like COMMUNITY to you???? Does this sound like a political group of like minded people with gay and lesbian interest in mind????

Makes about as much sense as Civil Rights groups partnering with the KKK for equal rights!
 -Dirt 8/5/11

Aside from her complete inability to form coherent sentences, Dirt thinks she's a cool kid to compare Trans rights activism to the KKK.
If this isn't the ramblings of a hateful and deranged mind, I don't know what is.

Expect much more next week...