Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bench Press, thy name is Misogyny

Whether we like it or not, the constant barrage of negative messages aimed and shot point blank at females, gets under our skin and buries itself into our brains. Nowhere is this more evident than transmen.

Within trans trending there is another trend just as self hating, prominent and displayed all over the likes of YT and the pages of every ftM forum, website, blog or tumbler. The trans trend within trans trending is working out.
 - Dirt - 8/27/11

Yup.  Pressure to work out and be muscular is something completely unique to FTM subculture, and PROOF they're just women after all.  All those transtrenders, with their trendy trends that mirror trendy trends in conventional male culture, with all their trendy trendiness.  You'd think they were just men or somethingBut they're not!  Because they're women!

Also, misogyny.

Or something.



As an aside, I am saddened that there are not really any other transphobic radfems focusing on FTMs.
This is really an untapped well of glorious idiocy.
As a second aside, imitating dirt's inability to maintain a consistent means of emphasis, and schizophrenic application of links to wikipedia is tiresome.


  1. Next the radfems will tell us that wearing men's clothing will be misogynistic or something.
    OH WAIT.

  2. How much of a mental illness must one suffer to think "working out = self hatred"? Which, of course, is just one step away from "anything I disagree with in the slightest way = misogyny"

    We should all hold protests outside gyms!

    Also, there's a group of elderly people who walk through my local shopping centre most mornings. The poor dears, I thought they were just getting a bit of light exercise and gossip in, but instead it must be parade of grey self-loathing!

  3. This is brilliant. Just brilliant.

  4. Thank you for this blog. That stupid woman whose name I do not even want to glorify by mentioning (yes she is STUPID and a woman, omg I must hate women!) makes me sick to my stomach. I'm FTM, and let me assure any doubters that I and most of my peers LOVE women so much, and NONE of us chose to be male, we were born that way. I believe that this person also is probably trans and like her many gay male bashing politicians and religious leaders, is in such severe denial that to hate them all (and thus, herself) is the only way to deal.
