Monday, August 15, 2011

Stormfront Poster or RadFem 2

Something I've noticed about most queers and so called "transgendered" weirdos I've met is that they're extremely self-centered. The two words I emphasized in the quoted text above say it all - THEY WANT. They expect everyone else to accommodate their idiotic gender denial and blindly go along with their narcissistic charade of being something that they're not. And if you don't, they have a fit.
In today's installment of SPorRF, we explore the time-honored tradition of whining over the impossible task of proper pronoun usage.

So once again dear readers, cast your lots. 
Is this quote from a RadFem blogger, or a Stormfront poster?

1 comment:

  1. Radfem, they're working too hard a being articulate to be Stormfront.
